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Social Impact of Needle Crafts

Social Impact of Needle Crafts

Social Impact of Needle Crafts

We had recently set up shop at an event in Bengaluru and met a lot of customers for our DIY (Do It Yourself) products. It was quite a gratifying experience to meet all of them in person and listen to their stories of success. There were so many of them who met us with much enthusiasm and proudly showed us pictures of their completed projects, be it a penguin sitting on their table or a turtle in the keyring or a cupcake sitting pretty on the dining table.

We heard stories about how they got hooked to crochet and have bought almost all our products and are eagerly looking forward to new launches. It is that connection that inspired this blog. Having talked about the benefits of knitting, crocheting and embroidery in our previous blogs we felt the need to talk about the social impact that these crafts had in Human history.

Traditionally, needle crafts like: knitting, crocheting or embroidery were done as a social activity. People would sit in groups and bond over these crafts sharing designs, patterns and other day to day stories. This nurtured the feeling of  social belongingness in them and a sense of community. In my opinion (and this is just a theory) the sense of loneliness appeared only after technology progressed and humans moved away from such activities.

People, when they collectively did these crafts they went through a similar journey of struggles and satisfaction in the course of their respective project. They helped each other and shared their experiences and knowledge with each other. They gave tips to each other on what they could try differently, what worked for them and what did not. It's this share of information and interactions in groups that spread a general feeling of mutual respect and camaraderie.

We observed in our interactions with our clients that people who did needle crafts appeared happier and brought a cheer with them when they stepped into our stall. They appreciated the effort that goes into making a project and didn't seem to hesitate for a moment to ask us questions. It felt like we made an instant connection with these people as they were talking the language of the craft.

Needle crafts be it crochet, knitting or embroidery are great icebreakers for initiating conversations. Not one person hesitated a bit to approach us to ask about our products or share their stories of crocheting or knitting. Even those who had not tried these crafts themselves felt the need to come and share stories of their grandmothers or their mothers knitting for them. Some brave ones plunged into taking up the challenge and picked a crochet project for themselves simply to bond with the stories that they were telling us.

We could feel the happiness and love that these people felt while sharing these stories with two complete strangers and we are eternally grateful to all of them for making our stay there worthwhile. I guess that’s the impact needle crafts have on people. It makes them feel happy. The joy and satisfaction that you get by creating something with your own two hands is something which we have been struggling to pen down as this joy can only be felt. Engaging in needle crafts not only brings happiness to the crafter but also spreads positivity and warmth to those around them. It is a way to express creativity, share knowledge, and build relationships that transcend barriers.

If you are considering taking up knitting, crocheting, or embroidery, don't hesitate any longer. Embrace the opportunity to delve into these timeless crafts, visit our website, and choose a DIY Kit to get started. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or a beginner, there is something magical about bringing a piece to life with your hands and filling the world with creativity and love. Join the community of needle crafters and experience the joy of creating something beautiful together.

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