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Handmade is cool

Handmade is cool!

Handmade is cool!

There was a time when children used to boast winter wear made by their Naanis, Daadis or their own Mothers and with time this age old tradition of knitting winter wear for your loved ones slowly faded. We don’t have the time or patience to hand knit for our loved ones any more. And, of course the convenience of readymade just blew away the remaining inclination to Hand Knit.

handmade baby sweaters, caps, socks and mittens

Growing up, just before the winters my mother used to knit a cardigan, sometimes two for one of us(or two of us) in the family and we used to wonder who is it she’s going to knit for this year? There used to be so much excitement around the whole project: the design, the colours, the type of wool, latest knitting trends and so on. The warmth and love that I felt in sweaters knitted by my mother is beyond words.

Women used to spend hours sitting in the Sun during winters knitting, exchanging notes on knitting, discussing patterns and measuring the length of the cardigans with their hand. All these activities I’m guessing used to add to the warmth and love that they were putting in that one handmade garment.

Why do I like Handmade sweaters?

  • Comfortable and Unique:Handmade sweaters are  comfortable and snug you like a warm hug. The intricate designs and patterns make them look attractive and whimsical.
  • Quality Control: You give a lot of thought in procuring the best quality yarn, buttons and other accessories that will go on your child’s clothing so the quality of the garment is completely in your control.
  • Breathable: The small holes in handmade sweaters make it breathable. These small pockets help in holding air and circulating body humidity thus making the garment warmer and more comfortable to wear even for long stretches of time.
  • Convenient to use:The best thing about handmade sweaters is that they are easy to maintain and can take in all the feeding spillages. You can simply wash them in a mild detergent at home and they are good to go, ready to take on more challenges that your child has to offer.

The convenience, the comfort, the style, the flexibility and the uniqueness of handmade knitwear makes them cool. It is for these reasons that I feel that each baby/child should don this warm hug in the winters.

The Original Knit brings the age old tradition of knitting alive. They bring the convenience of readymade and the love and warmth of handmade under one roof. They offer a huge collection of handmade winter wear for your child.

Baby woolen sweaters, mittens, caps and socks

From sweaters, capsmittens, socks you name it they have got it all. Each piece is carefully crafted and handmade with the same warmth and love as your own,  from a team of mothers and grandmothers  in the mountain ranges of Himalayas, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.

The Original Knit is your one stop shop for all your baby’s winter needs. This winter stock up from their collection to keep your child warm and loved and at the same time looking absolutely stunning.


  • You are certainly true about the felling of hugs and love , that is provided with the warm hand knitted garment which makes you feel close to your loved ones

    Gajindra Khara on

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